And so it begins….

Summer. today i don’t have to go in to school at all, I finished my room! So far, I am still in my jammies, and have watched trashy TV and surfed the web. I also am playing solitaire. How boring! But, I love it. I will do more stuff at some point, but I may do nothing today. In other news:

My tomato plant has no tomatoe and no flowers, nothing.
My dog is shedding a lot. Tons of hair everywhere. He is a collie, so go figure.
I made tamale pie last night, delicious. I had another piece just now.
I seem to bake at night while I am asleep and wake up very hot and sweaty. Yuck.
We have ants. Lots of them.
I am shocked at my students’ lack of brains on their facebooks…..I mean to have your profile pic be of yourself smoking what looks like a joint?
I spend way too much time thinking about Real Housewives….

I’m going to try to blog more and better.

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